About Us

We’re Shan and Doe, the Sweet Tea Sisters. Welcome to our porch, we’re so glad you’re here! We hope you’ll grab your favorite beverage, and sit with us a spell as we share simple ways to celebrate and encourage one another, in our homes and through God’s Word.

Meet Shan

Hi, I’m Shannon, thanks for stopping by our blog today! I’m a wife, mom of two, and Grammy to one delightful granddaughter. When I’m not out flying the friendly skies as a Flight Attendant you can usually find me in the kitchen with my favorite cookbook open, looking for something yummy to cook up or in my chair reading a good book! I love to celebrate the big and little things of life with the people God has placed in my life! I love Jesus and long to know Him more. He brings the joy and peace I so desperately need. Without Him, I am lost. I hope you’ll join us as we look for joy in every day!

Meet Doe

My name is Dori, but when I was little my family called me Doe. I am a wife, mother of five, and grandmother of one.  I’m a stay-at-home mama, homeschooling my youngest.  Who I am today is because of who Jesus is always.  His peace carries me through and reminds me that joy comes in the morning.   All in all, I’m just an average girl building a cozy life filled with laughter, food, and creativity, who believes grace is better than perfection any day.