“Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching, and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16
September and the onset of fall always means “fresh start” to me, even more so than January 1. That being the case we thought this was the perfect time to tell you about three bible study resources for fall!
What other time of year screams, “We’re starting new!!” like fall? I think it’s all the back to school excitement! New backpacks, notebooks, pencils, crayons, markers, folders, and of course new clothes and shoes! Even though my children are grown and no longer need those things, I still look forward to picking up some of those things for myself this time of year. A few new notebooks, maybe some markers and always, always a new bible study!
These are some of the wonderful Bible Studies that we have done this past year, are currently doing, and have on our list to do next!
First: Jen Wilkin has some great studies available online that you can do for FREE–including the workbook and either audio or video of her lectures. We have done her studies on James, 1st Peter and are currently working our way through Matthew Part 1 and Part 2. We have also read her book Women of the Word that is an excellent resource for learning to study the bible on your own.
Jen Wilkin studies are what I would consider to be “in-depth studies”. They cover the entire book, not just a few chapters. Jen stresses comprehension, interpretation and application so you will be reading the entire text repeatedly, highlighting, annotating, looking up definitions, paying attention to context and paraphrasing verses, just to name a few things.
While these studies do require some time and attention, they are powerful and worth your time and effort, I guarantee you will not be the same after doing one of her studies.
Second: The Daily Grace & Co. has some really great SHORT, affordable bible studies–many are just $5 during their sales, which they have often! While the studies I’ve purchased have not required a lot of homework they do employ the same study techniques as the Jen Wilkin studies and I felt they had some really good questions on the daily work. I did their Habakkuk study earlier this year and really enjoyed it. I just purchased The Lord’s Prayer study and I’m looking forward to doing it soon! They also have a devotional book called New Every Morning that I’m loving! I got it on one of the $5 sales!
Variety of studies from The Daily Grace & Co.
Third: Now, this last recommendation is not what I would call a traditional bible “study”. Rather, they are lectures that you could use alongside your bible reading.
Kristi McLelland is a speaker and professor at Williamson College in Tennessee and serves as a biblical culturalit. Her studies are found through New Lens Biblical Studies. The classes don’t really require any homework other than reading whichever book of the bible she’ll be discussing and listening to the lecture. I took a copious notes! Both Dori and I couldn’t believe how much we learned! Kristi will help you learn to look at scripture with a Middle Eastern lens in addition to a Western lens. These studies are an investment–one that we highly recommend.
We started with the Israel study last year which is an overview of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, looking at the history of the Jewish people and how to feast on the Word. The cost is $75
Next, we did the Italy study which is about the first century church in the book of Acts. Again, you just need to be reading the scripture. It adds so much more to your understanding and appreciation of scripture when you know the context and culture of the people writing and reading the passages! The cost is $45
Both of these studies would be good for seasoned readers who maybe have never read the bible from beginning to end – straight through, but we would definitely recommend them for those who are new to bible reading and/or study. They are a great way to grasp the whole story of the bible.
There are additional resources that she recommends as aides. We purchased a couple to use alongside our other studies but they are not necessary to understanding the lectures.
Even though these classes are a bit pricey they are worth every penny and I have gone back over my notes several times already as I’ve been reading through the Bible this year and plan to make watching the videos a yearly event!
Just recently we did her Ezer Kenegdo – this is just a short 1.5 hour lecture on the first two words God speaks about women. It was so good. The cost for that is $19
We have also her Jesus & Women study . This 7 session study is a thoughtful look at several of Jesus’ interactions with women in the bible. It will challenge and maybe even change the way you’ve looked at these stories! This study is available through Lifeway.com
Do you already have plans for a fall bible study? Do you prefer to study alone or in a group? My sister and I have been doing long distance studies together via FaceTiime for the last year and a half, and they have been wonderful, but I definitely miss getting together with a group of women! Whether alone or with a group of friends, one of the above studies might be the perfect fit for your fall bible study needs!
We’d love to hear what your plans are – feel free to leave a comment below letting us know what you’ll be doing! Also, include any study tools, books, website etc… that you’ve found helpful! We’re working on a list of our favorites to share soon!
“On Mondays We Memorize.” Did you catch the reference to the movie Mean Girls? It’s the first Monday of the New Year and we are ready for a little challenge and we really want you in our club. Instead of a club of mean girls, however, we want to build a club of Bible Girls and everyone is invited!
Shan has thoughtfully chosen 12 Bible verses that we will be memorizing throughout 2021, and we really hope you’ll join us. Each scripture was chosen to encourage your heart and grow your faith. We settled on memorizing only one verse each month so that we have plenty of time to let each verse really penetrate our hearts and memory.
If you’re not already, you’ll want to follow us (thesweetteasisters) on Instagram where we will be sharing the new verse on the first Monday of each month. We share a lot of other fun and encouraging stuff there as well, you don’t want to miss out!
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk about them as you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9
It’s no coincidence that God commanded the Israelites to be about His word all-the-time and every-where. The more you encounter scriptures as you go about your day the more ingrained in your very being they become.
We’ve created a set of printable scripture cards to help your memorization work. You can download the free PDF here. We hope you print off multiple copies and leave them around your house where you’ll come across them throughout your day. You can tape a copy to the mirror in your bathroom, use one as a bookmark, keep a copy in your car, tape it above your stove or kitchen sink, leave one on your bedside table. Check out our Instagram stories each month as well and be sure to grab a screenshot of the current month’s verse that you can screenshot and use as a cover photo on your phone.
We’ve also included 4 of our favorite Psalms with the printable in addition to the 12 memory verses. If you’re feeling a little ambitious you can memorize them as well, but no pressure!
You’ll notice we’ve used an image of a teacup with each scripture we share. Besides the fact that we love pretty cups, we also love the analogy of a full cup being bumped and the contents spilling out–on us and those around us. We want our cups to be filled with God’s word so that when life bumps into us, in whatever way, we spill out that which is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise. (taken from Philippians 4:8) To fill our cups with those things means we have to become intentional about memorizing God’s word.
We hope you decide to join us and we pray these verses bless and strengthen you as go through 2021. If you’re in with us, grab your scripture cards, mark your calendar and then pop over to our Instagram and comment, “I’m in!!” And don’t forget, on Mondays we memorize!
Does the thought of committing to daily Bible reading send dread down your spine? Or maybe it stiffens your back because of those “legalistic-perfect Christians”. Oh, friend, I hope it doesn’t, but I understand if it does. The guilt I used to feel every time I missed a day or got so behind I just stopped reading altogether was enough that for many years I barely opened my Bible other than on Sunday. I wouldn’t commit to reading because I was just so tired of failing.
Part of my struggle was I wasn’t sure where to start. I knew I could start with Genesis and go book by book, but that just felt overwhelming, and I didn’t always understand or have any context for what I was reading. Not understanding can make the word of God feel very remote and dry.
I also had trouble “catching up” or feeling behind if I missed a day. In my mind, I had to follow a specific plan to read a certain amount, on a certain day, at a certain time. And if I missed a day I felt as though I needed to read the previous day before I could read the current day. And if I missed multiple days? Two choices: binge-read or give up. I have chosen both in the past.
Can I give you a bit of encouragement, sister? Reading your Bible doesn’t have to be a burden. In fact, I’ll dare to say it SHOULDN’T be a burden. God didn’t give us His word just to add work to our day. Reading our Bible isn’t what saves us or makes us better Christians. But reading our Bible WILL help us as we function as believers.
How much easier is it to trust someone that you know personally?
How much easier to follow someone when you know where their heart is?
How much more likely are you to have faith in someone when you have seen and understand how they have handled themselves in the past?
Reading our Bible helps us to know and see God in a very real and life-altering way–if we can just get past our issues first. I’m going to share a few things that have worked for me and I think maybe they can help you as well.
The first thing I’m going to encourage you to do is kick your preconceived notions of “the right way” to the curb! Other than with an open heart and a teachable spirit, there is no “correct” way to read the Bible. God isn’t timing how long you spend reading or keeping track of what time of the day it was. He doesn’t care what order you read the books in or if you highlight and write in the margins. He doesn’t require that you read from your favorite Bible, or even READ at all. I promise God isn’t grading you on your Bible time. He just wants you to spend time in His Word and with Him.
Maybe you don’t have an hour or two to dedicate to the Word every morning, but I bet you can grab 15 minutes here and there throughout the day. You might be surprised how many verses can be read in just 15 minutes.
Don’t rely on the fact that you have your phone with you all the time, we’re too easily distracted by social media and the internet. I can’t tell you how many times I pick up my phone to turn on music and then wonder half an hour later how I ended up on Facebook without any music playing!
Try keeping an inexpensive Bible in multiple rooms of your house. Did you know you can buy a paperback Bibleon Amazon for about $3.00? The words in the cheap paperback are the same as the ones in your favorite leatherbound Bible. Consider keeping a paperback one in your kitchen (read while you’re eating breakfast or sipping coffee). You can keep another one in your car (read while you’re waiting on your kids or husband). The best place to keep one is probably in your *gasp* bathroom! Start leaving your phone behind and browsing the Bible instead.
I just recently learned that Jews view scripture as food and they “eat their portion” daily. I love that image. A bite here, a full meal there, and a snack for good measure adds up to nutrition.
Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on Him God the Father has set His seal…Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to Me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst.
John 6: 27, 35 ESV
Remember, there is a difference between READING scripture and STUDYING scripture. Both are important, and each produces fruit differently. I will never discourage you from doing a deep dive into God’s word to study it–cross-referencing, reading commentaries, making outlines, and listening to lectures, but if you’re already struggling to be in the Word on a regular basis, maybe it’s time to scale back a bit and do the basics. Much can be learned by JUST READING. Don’t even highlight or write in the margins if you don’t want to, just read straight through like you would any other story. Do the best you can, until you can do better, but don’t do nothing just because you can’t do it all.
For as the rain and snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it produce and sprout, And providing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it.
Isahah 55:10-12 NASB
Ask God to give you a love and a hunger for His word. Sometimes, when I was making an effort to be in the Word, I didn’t enjoy it. I was tired, it was dry, I wanted to be sleeping…lots of reasons. So I confessed that to God (I’m pretty sure He could already tell) and I asked Him to please help me love it–to place a desire to read His Word in my heart. And before I begin reading, I ask Him again. I also ask the Holy Spirit to open my mind and heart to help me understand what I’m reading. God is faithful and He will help you.
Your words were found and I ate them, And Your words became for me a joy and the delight to my heart; For I have been called by your name, O Lord God of hosts.
Jeremiah 15:16 NASB
Take advantage of technology. Somewhere I heard about an app for my phone called ReadScripture. It’s a year-long reading plan that can be started at any point in the year. (I just happen to like to start things at the beginning of something; like a Monday, or the first day of a new month, or maybe even January 1st!) You can read it at your own pace or their recommended pace. There’s nothing revolutionary about that though, that’s how it is with most plans.
What I LOVE about the ReadScripture app is that it’s meant to help you see the Bible as a whole story and to see Jesus as the running theme throughout. At the beginning of each book, there is a short video that gives you an overview of the book, along with information for context and how it fits with the big picture of the Bible. Occasionally, throughout the book, there may be other videos explaining different things. ReadScripture pairs with BibleProject.com where you can sign up to have the reading plan and videos emailed to you instead, in addition to a blog and podcasts. I come back to my ReadScripture app every time I start a new Bible study so I can rewatch the overview video as well as any other videos they have included. While I prefer to read my actual Bible, rather than on my phone, I do keep track of what I’ve read in the app.
LISTEN! Remember how I said you don’t even have to READ the word? Listening to it counts as well, friend! I remember my mother had all the books of the Bible on tape and it was in this huge hard-back case that weighed a ton. Now, you can listen to scriptures from your phone or computer with just a few clicks–and often for FREE. My favorite is an app on my phone called Dwell. It’s not free, but I love the different ways it can be customized. You can change the speaking voice, add music in the background, and there are multiple plans to choose from. You can also listen to “playlists” set up by other users. It has been well worth the $30.00 a year I paid for it.
I listen while I’m cooking or cleaning. Sometimes I listen when I’m driving somewhere or as I fall asleep at night.
Talk about what you’re reading or learning with a friend. This doesn’t have to be something formal or in person (unless you need an excuse to get together!) and they don’t have to even live in your town. Shan and I live 2500 miles apart and have begun having a weekly phone call to talk about what we’re reading. Sometimes it’s the same thing, other times we are each reading something different, but it’s so fun to see how often God is showing us similar themes. Some weeks we have to shift our call to another day or skip that week completely. We just pick up wherever we are when we do get to chat. Be warned though, if you are like Shan and me, your phone conversation could take up a good portion of your day. (And that’s the very best part for me!)
To Plan or Not to Plan? You don’t have to follow a reading plan if that’s not your style. Some people like the structure, some people do not enjoy being told what to do (or read)! The point is to do what works FOR YOU, in this season. I just came out of a season of just randomly reading different books in the New Testament. It was great, but now I’m ready for a little structure again.
If you’re the type of person who likes to have a reading plan in place and like to see yourself marking off the chapters, some of the apps I mentioned above will provide the ability to mark off and track what you’ve read. You can also go old school and print a paper copy to manually mark off. A quick search on Pinterest will give you MANY options!
There is more than one style of reading plan as well. Most of us are used to the “reading straight through” plan. Start at the beginning of Genesis and just keep reading in order until the end of Revelation.
Another option is the “chronological” plan. It might come as a surprise to learn the books of the Bible are not placed in the order in which they happened. If you want to read the Bible like a timeline, look for a chronological plan. You may find chunks of certain books are moved in within other books to create a full, chronological story.
The “five-day plan” divides the Bible up so that instead of reading seven days a week you are reading five. This might be a great plan for you if you like the idea of having two days to catch up if you get off track during the week.
If reading only in one Testament at a time is not your cup of tea, look for an “Old Testament/New Testament” plan. Each day you will read selected passages from both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
A plan I hadn’t heard of before is called the “M’Cheyne plan”. Each day you will read two passages from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, and another from either the Psalms or the Gospels. When you finish the plan (a year if you follow it as given), you will have read the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice.
Whether you choose a plan or not, DO NOT GIVE UP, friend! You’re going to miss days or maybe even weeks. You’re going to not understand some things. You’re going to want to skip entire books in whatever plan you’re reading (ugh–Job!!). But whatever happens, just pick up your Bible and start where you were at the next time you can. God will still be there. His Word will be the same. You don’t have to be perfect because He has already filled in the gaps of our humanness.
I love the way Psalms 1:1-3 tells us that for those who delight in and meditate on the law of the Lord (night AND day), “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.”
Our earthly lives are about seasons, my sisters. Some seasons are dry, some are rainy, and some are beautifully sunny. Some bear rest, some pain, and some work, but all seasons result in fruit–in its time.
Remember, whatever season you are in, it is a GIFT from God. Acknowledge it. Sit in it. Soak it up. It is God who will produce in us.
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
Have you ever read something and just knew you had to get it into the hands of everyone you know? That is exactly how we feel about Lisa Whittle’s book “Put Your Warrior Boots On, Walking Jesus Strong Once and for All”.
Warrior Boots is the second book we’ve read by Lisa. We call her Lisa like she’s one of our BFFs because we’re pretty sure if we actually met her she would be. Here’s what we love about Lisa’s books: she is relentless about pointing out how important it is for us to study, know, and believe the Bible–for ourselves. She reminds us that when we study, know, and believe God’s Word, our lives will be changed and the way we live and interact with people every day will be impacted.
Now, here’s a little warning in case you are easily offended by straight talk. Lisa does not tip-toe around issues. Oftentimes her points are not soft words of encouragement we can curl up with by a fire to ponder. Usually, they are words of exciting conviction that spur us into action. Warrior Boots covers God-ish lives, spiritual weakness, commitment, standards, accountability, and love. That’s just in the first two chapters! We nod our heads so often as we read it’s a wonder we don’t have neck troubles. The highlights in our books are blinding. Listen, we love this book so much we are starting a Podcast just so we can discuss it more!
Warrior Boots was published in 2017 and yet its message is both timeLESS and timeLY. She notes in the introduction, “As I write this book, even now, hard things in this world keep happening, and sometimes I feel like I can’t write fast enough to help us through. But then I remember that God being God hasn’t changed. He is the Savior, for now, for then, forever. And so I write with urgency and the great understanding that God runs this thing…”
She goes on to say, “…there’s a difference with being burdened and being hysterical. This is not a book born of hysteria; it is a manual born of urgency. Those are two very different things. Hysteria says to panic. Urgency says to prepare.”
“This book offers an alternative to living insecure, panicked, and scared, rather than accepting it as the norm.
This is a book of straight talk and strategy, since we are desperate to know the how-to pieces in our everyday.
This book reminds us of our spiritual power in Christ and defines the importance of making declarations over our lives as a means of taking hold of that power promised to us.
This is a book of absolutes that lead to joy, peace, hope, and clarity to help de-complicate our lives.”
And because this book is based on her study and belief of the bible, and because this book continually points us back to the bible as our compass, it does what she says it does.
You can read Warrior Boots on your own, with a friend, or in a group. Lisa offers free 15-minute video teachings that accompany each chapter on her website and has included a study guide as well (all for the low, low price of $10.79!)
As much as we wish we knew Lisa personally, we don’t. She doesn’t know us and she certainly doesn’t owe us anything. She has no idea we are promoting her book like a black-market Rolex-salesman. So when we tell you we think this book is so great we’re going to give away 4 copies over on our Instagram page you’ll know the only thing we’re getting out of it is MORE PEOPLE TO TALK TO about the amen-truths written in this book. Be sure to head to the post today (Wednesday the 9th) and enter to win.
And we really aren’t kidding about starting a podcast. If there is something we have in abundance it’s opinions about all manner of things and we are happy to have a place to share them! We’ve begun the process, and a process it is! We will let you know on our blog and on our Instagram account when our first episode is ready to go live!
This book has motivated us to get into better shape spiritually and we think you will come away feeling energized and empowered after reading it. We hope you’ll pick up a copy and dive in. We’d love to know what you’re reading and what’s impacting you right now. Share in the comments–we’re always looking to add to our bookshelves.