12 Scriptures to Memorize Challenge

“On Mondays We Memorize.”  Did you catch the reference to the movie Mean Girls? It’s the first Monday of the New Year and we are ready for a little challenge and we really want you in our club.  Instead of a club of mean girls, however, we want to build a club of Bible Girls and everyone is invited!

Shan has thoughtfully chosen 12 Bible verses that we will be memorizing throughout 2021, and we really hope you’ll join us. Each scripture was chosen to encourage your heart and grow your faith. We settled on memorizing only one verse each month so that we have plenty of time to let each verse really penetrate our hearts and memory.

If you’re not already, you’ll want to follow us (thesweetteasisters) on Instagram where we will be sharing the new verse on the first Monday of each month. We share a lot of other fun and encouraging stuff there as well, you don’t want to miss out!  

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk about them as you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.  You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9

It’s no coincidence that God commanded the Israelites to be about His word all-the-time and every-where.  The more you encounter scriptures as you go about your day the more ingrained in your very being they become.  

We’ve created a set of printable scripture cards to help your memorization work. You can download the free PDF here. We hope you print off multiple copies and leave them around your house where you’ll come across them throughout your day. You can tape a copy to the mirror in your bathroom, use one as a bookmark, keep a copy in your car, tape it above your stove or kitchen sink, leave one on your bedside table. Check out our Instagram stories each month as well and be sure to grab a screenshot of the current month’s verse that you can screenshot and use as a cover photo on your phone.

We’ve also included 4 of our favorite Psalms with the printable in addition to the 12 memory verses.  If you’re feeling a little ambitious you can memorize them as well, but no pressure!

You’ll notice we’ve used an image of a teacup with each scripture we share.  Besides the fact that we love pretty cups, we also love the analogy of a full cup being bumped and the contents spilling out–on us and those around us.  We want our cups to be filled with God’s word so that when life bumps into us, in whatever way, we spill out that which is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise. (taken from Philippians 4:8)  To fill our cups with those things means we have to become intentional about memorizing God’s word.

We hope you decide to join us and we pray these verses bless and strengthen you as go through 2021.  If you’re in with us, grab your scripture cards, mark your calendar and then pop over to our Instagram and comment, “I’m in!!” And don’t forget, on Mondays we memorize!


Shan and Doe