A Few of Our Favorite Things–Love, Welcome, Serve Style

“Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.”

1Peter 4:8-11

One of the best things about friends is they share the things they love with each other! We plan to share a few of our favorite things regularly.  If we love it, you know we won’t be able to NOT talk about it with all of our friends! 

Today we are sharing Amy Nelson Hannon’s cookbook “Love, Welcome, Serve”We stumbled across her Instagram account some time ago and immediately fell in love with her sweet and authentic personality–and her recipes! 

“Love, Welcome, Serve” is her first cookbook and it is a delight! The recipes are delicious, Cobbler Roast Beef, Chicken Pot Pie, and Gran’s Strawberry Cake are a few favorites, and they are easy to follow.  We have each made many recipes from the book and have not regretted any of them!  Amy’s heart shines through each recipe, revealing her love of cooking and her desire to live a life overflowing with authentic hospitality.

An excerpt from the introduction in the cookbook sums up perfectly what Amy is striving to do and what we hope to inspire in all of you as well: “The ‘Love, Welcome, Serve’ lifestyle means living with an awareness that people have emotional, spiritual, and physical needs, and using the comfort and ministry of food to respond to those needs, demonstrating the goodness of God in their lives. It’s opening your heart to impact theirs. It’s opening your home to give people a place to belong. Love, Welcome, Serve is deliberate and considerate.”

Amy also owns a kitchen store called Euna Mae’s Kitchen in Springdale, Arkansas, named for the beloved grandmother who taught her to cook.  While we were on our Sister Trip last year we were able to visit the shop and it was everything we had hoped.  It was worth driving MANY hours out of our way to visit.  

Do you have a favorite cookbook that you reach for time and time again? We know Love, Welcome, Serve will quickly become another favorite and we hope it encourages you the way it has us.  May you enjoy many hours of fellowship gathered around a table with those you love!


Shan and Doe