Last Minute Valentine’s Day Breakfast

When I had a little more time and energy and I loved putting a lot of effort into creating a fun holiday event. But nowadays putting together a few simple, yet fun foods at the last minute is about all I can manage. Today I’m sharing a Valentine’s Day breakfast you can pre-prep tonight with foods you probably already have in your pantry.

I’m already a procrastinator but Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that always seems to sneak up on me and fall through the cracks. this breakfast is my go-to for special days and celebrations. It checks all the boxes for being easy, prep-ahead, delicious, and fun for everyone in the family.

You can start today by prepping Weekend Baked Eggs. You’ll grate the cheeses, cook your breakfast meat, and mix together your egg base and store them in the fridge separately overnight. Tomorrow all you’ll need to do is pour the eggs over the cheese and meat then put it in the oven an hour before you want to eat. If you don’t have breakfast meat in your fridge or freezer, no problem, just leave it out!

Next, you’ll mix up a batch of Whole Wheat Scones. These are best if the dough sits in the refrigerator overnight which makes them perfect for a relaxing Valentine’s Day morning. They only take about 15 minutes to bake so they’ll be ready in a jiffy. Serve them with your egg casserole, or save them for later and have a mini Valentine’s Day tea party.

Now you can sit back and relax or work on a few Valentine crafts until tomorrow. I’ll have a post a little later today with some cute garlands you can make with your kids or some friends.

In the morning while your oven preheats, assemble the egg casserole and set it aside. Rinse some raspberries and strawberries and lay them out on a dishtowel to dry. Get a double boiler going on the stove and start chopping up some melting chocolate.

Your oven is probably ready about now so go ahead and get your eggs baking. They take a good hour so you have plenty of time to finish up the other goodies. Spread out some foil near where you will be dipping your strawberries and begin dipping your berries as soon as the chocolate is nice and smooth.

If your kids are old enough this is a great project to give them while you drink a cup of coffee with your feet up. My 13-year-old could handle this task with ease.

if you’re feeling extra fancy, you can melt down some white chocolate as well and use a fork to drizzle lines back and forth across the milk chocolate. Even if they get a little clumpy, your family will think they are decadent!

Next up, White Chocolate Stuffed Raspberries which sound a lot fancier than what they are. All you’re going to do is literally stuff a white chocolate chip into a raspberry. If it is a big berry, add two! I’m not kidding; it’s that easy. Neither my husband nor my daughter loves white chocolate, but they said they were delightful. Again, get your kids to help if you feel they are up to the task.

Your eggs are probably about ready now. As soon as they are out, turn your oven up to 400 and pull your scones out of the fridge to slice and bake. Pour yourself a tasty drink from this post and get ready to plate up your festive Valentine’s Day Breakfast.

Are you a procrastinator, too, or have you had your Valentine ducks in a row for weeks now? Give this menu a try and let us know your favorite part. Happy Valentine’s Day!


Shan and Doe